


Camp Good News Week 1
7/7/2025 - 7/11/2025

Camp Good News is for campers who have completed 2nd grade through completed 6th grade. 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (no camper drop-off before 9:45 AM), Gateway Church, Parkesburg, PA. Camp Good News is a fantastic week of activities including archery and slingshot ranges, games, surprise times, team competition, and much more. Campers will be challenged by exciting Bible stories, missionary stories, Bible memory, and Quiz Down. Weeks 1 and 2 run identical programs. Enrollment is limited, so no double-registration accepted. One week registration only. No walk-in registration.

Camp Good News Week 2
7/14/2025 - 7/18/2025

Camp Good News is for campers who have completed 2nd grade through completed 6th grade. 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (no camper drop-off before 9:45 AM), Gateway Church, Parkesburg, PA. Camp Good News is a fantastic week of activities including archery and slingshot ranges, games, Surprise Times, team competition, and much more. Campers will be challenged by exciting Bible stories, missionary stories, Bible memory, and Quiz Down. Weeks 1 and 2 run identical programs. Enrollment is limited, so no double-registration accepted. One week registration only. No walk-in registration.

Kiddie Camp
7/21/2025 - 7/25/2025

Kiddie Camp is for campers age 4 through completed 1st grade. 9:45 am - 12:15 pm (No camper drop-off before 9:30 AM). Gateway Church, Parkesburg, PA. Kiddie Camp is designed for younger campers with a fun zoo theme and includes games, Surprise Times, Bible stories, missionary stories, snacks, and lots of prizes! Enrollment is limited!